Phone Number:
Who else is signing up with you? Please indicate their names and ages:
When were you born again? Have you been baptized in water and speak in tongues?
Have you seen the Pioneer School online? Por favor, seleccione una opciónYesYes, but not allNo
Do you have a passport? Por favor, seleccione una opciónYesNo
Are you married?: Por favor, seleccione una opciónYesNoNever married
Have you ever been divorced?: Por favor, seleccione una opciónYesNoNo, but currently separated
Do you have children?: Por favor, seleccione una opciónYesNo
Have you watched our movies?: Por favor, seleccione una opciónYesYes, but not allNo
Have you attended a Kickstart weekend before?: Por favor, seleccione una opciónYesNo
Are you currently taking medication for mental illness?: Por favor, seleccione una opciónYesNo
Have you taken medicine for mental illness in the past?: Por favor, seleccione una opciónYesNo
Currently or in the past, have you taken any other medicine for health reasons?: Por favor, seleccione una opciónYesNo
Have you been convicted of any crime or offense?: Por favor, seleccione una opciónYesNo
Do you have any education? (e.g., firefighter, truck driver, nurse, barista)
What is the name of the church/pastor and contact information?:
Do you have any special skills or what are you good at? (e.g., I'm good with computers, filming, cooking, gardening, or as a handyman):
Do you know anyone within the TLR movement who can recommend you?:
Where and when was this Kickstart weekend?:
What do you hope to gain from this school?:
What is your dream serving Jesus in the future?:
What teachers do you listen to or follow?
Is there any special country you have in your heart to do a mission after?
Are you part of a church and the leadership recommends you to join the school? What is the name of the church/pastor and contact information?:
Please share a link to your social media (Facebook, Instagram, YouTube, etc.)
Please send us a photo of you and everyone applying to join the school:
Please note that we take your personal information and data privacy very seriously. By submitting this form, you agree to us contacting you regarding your inquiry and for your personal data to be processed in accordance with our Privacy Policy I accept the Privacy Statement*
Which School: